Blog, News & Events

In this section you can find our blog posts as well our latest news and events. We invite you to comment and share your own reflections beneath each item, if you feel inspired . Any insight, experience or reflection that promote an open dialogue on our shared commitment to increase youth social inclusion in Europe through Youth Citizen Science is welcome!

Identifying the keys to inclusion of unaccompanied young migrants in Gipuzkoa, Spain

Identifying the keys to inclusion of unaccompanied young migrants in Gipuzkoa, Spain
The main objective of our YouCount case, carried out in the Basque Country (Spain) in the province of Gipuzkoa, is to identify the keys to inclusion and exclusion of unaccompanied migrant minors. Together with these young people, we collect their desires, problems, needs and experiences. In addition to these young researchers and us academic resear...
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  1662 Hits
1662 Hits

Generating inclusive territories in Naples, Italy: where have we gone so far?

Cover-photo Generating inclusive territories in Naples, Italy
Authors: Fortuna Procentese and Flora Gatti, UNINA team The promotion of spaces in which citizens can dialogue and exchange viewpoints is at the base of our work as Community Psychologists. Spaces connoted by openness to others and reciprocal listening. The people compounding local, territorial communities represent the starting point for the ...
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  1445 Hits
1445 Hits

A farewell to YouCount

IMG_20200129_093839-2 Our Brussels workshop in 2020, just before the pandemic struck
Hi everyone, my name is Fredrik Brounéus. I'm a researcher at the civil society organisation VA (Public & Science) and member of the Swedish YouCount team. This is a farewell-and-thank-you note to everyone that I have worked with in YouCount over these past five years. Five years?, you say, surely the YouCount project started in 2021? Yes, it d...
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  1390 Hits
1390 Hits

Setting up Youth Citizen Social Science in practice: Lessons learnt from our consortium meeting in Copenhagen

In the beginning of June, the YouCount team gathered at Aalborg University (Copenhagen) for the first consortium meeting of the year. After such a long time working online, it was great to get together in person with colleagues from Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom and finally meet some of t...
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  1455 Hits
1455 Hits

10 Key Learnings from our Knowledge Sharing Webinars

webinar-prep-0921---Cop_20220328-072316_1 Preparation of the first webinar. Photo: YouCount
YouCount and EIE WG organised three webinars in autumn 2021. In the webinars, we explored how to open research and innovation to young people in the form of Youth Citizen Social Science to make social change. This is what YouCount learned: #1 There is a large interest in the topic of Youth Citizen Social Science with 90 percent (168 people) of thos...
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  2170 Hits
2170 Hits

YouCount Celebrates its Female Researchers on International Women's Day

YouCount-Celebrating-its-Female-Researchers-International-Womens-Day UN Women #IWD2022 social media package
8th of March marks the International Day of Women worldwide. A day to celebrate and recognise the great women of past, present, and future. A day to advocate for empowerment, equality, and inclusion. This year the global campaign by UN Women focuses on equality for sustainability. For a positive lasting impact on our environment, economic and ...
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  2036 Hits
2036 Hits

Thank you 2021!...Welcome 2022!

Source: Please share a key insight, emotion, activity from the work carried out in 2021wordcloud-10
Thank you 2021! 2021 has been an exciting year for YouCount. In February, we met for our virtual kick-off meeting, aware that we were starting a process that involved a lot of planning, meeting and preparing for youth citizen social science. Ten months later, we are ready to begin a new phase of our project which involves actually doing youth citiz...
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  1882 Hits
1882 Hits

Citizen scientists and co-researchers on a study visit in Hungary

Citizen scientists and co-researchers on a study visit in Hungary
9 citizen scientists and co-researchers from Siklósbodony participated in a study visit at Cinege Farm at Törökbálint and Pallagvölgyi Biogarden at Kóspallag. ESSRG researchers Alexandra Czeglédi, György Pataki, Márton Oblath also accompanied the group. The fundamental purpose of the study visit was to get inspired and acquire k...
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  1706 Hits
1706 Hits

How to Reward Young Citizen Social Scientists?


In YouCount, youths from nine European countries will participate as citizen scientists in case studies addressing their lived experience of social exclusion and inclusion. As their contribution is essential to the research, there is a genuine need to discuss their rewards and compensation: How to avoid any kinds of exploitation of young citizen scientists?

How should we reward their work? What kinds of rewards should we use? How can we reward an originally volunteer activity? What will constitute a fair solution in the local cases and across the cases? How should we design and develop the SPOTTERON citizen science application? 

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  3605 Hits
3605 Hits
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We publish quarterly updates on our work in a Newsletter that you can receive directly in your inbox. With every Newsletter, you learn more about YouCount and the people behind the project. We travel to the different cases and introduce you to young citizen scientists and other project members in each issue. Our Newsletter informs you about upcoming events and updates you on events you might have missed. Don’t miss out!


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european unionYouCount is funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020, GA No.101005931